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Lex Fridman - Daily Schedule

A breakdown of Lex's day and the principals he follows;

Lex's day is based around 2x 4 hour deep work/study sessions.

Around it, he fits 1hour 30mins of exercise, every day.

He follows a keto diet while intermittent fasting.

Sleep 6-8 hours.

The first half and most productive part of the day is done fasted, with only water and electrolytes.

Wake up, MANTRA.

The start of his day consists of a mantra in which he essentially reminds himself of the rules of the game and the pitfalls to watch out for. He also recites his short and long term goals, and core values;

*This is a short period of mindfulness, focus on breathing.

* Remind yourself to only check social media when you post, which is 1-3 times daily, for no longer than 10 minutes. This is a pitfall we all must avoid.

* Gratitude. Visualize and meditate that he may die today, at any moment. Accepts the notion that it could be his last day. Recognize that you're alive.

* List your goals for the next 5 years. These are his biggest, most ambitious goals.

* List your near term (by end of year) goals. These should be things that are just out of reach but achievable through hard, consistent work.

* Zoom in on today- What do you need to get done. Lex actually uses visualization here again, and says that he envisions himself almost as a SIM, running around getting things done. Visualize the struggle. What is the hardest part of the day? View yourself doing it.

* Recite the principals you strive to live up to. Lex says, for him, these are cliche phrases but that center around who he is -Compassion, Empathy, Love, Character, Integrity, Strength.

He usually follows this with a short preparation phase.. Drink some water, bathroom, get a coffee etc.

Deep Work - Session 1 (4 hours)

During this session, he will focus on a single thing and allow for no interruptions.

If any thoughts come into his head to revisit later, he'll note them in a Google doc and bring his attention gently back to the task.

A lot of people will stop their session when they find their attention waning but Lex believes in disciple and routine, so will finish the session regardless. Just get the job done.

Social Media & Guitar

After his first work session, he'll spend about 10 minutes on social media.

Following this he spends about 20 minutes on an instrument of choice.

Exercise - 1hr 30mins

Lex notes that he usually starts his runs by listening to brown noise. He intends to run 6 miles per day but will do the first 2 or 3, and then decide how much further he wants to go. Sometime around this point he'll start listening to a podcast or audiobook.

The run usually takes about an hour, after which the last 30 minutes will focus on some form of resistance training. In the video he notes a high intensity form of resistance training that involves 10 press ups and 5 pull ups per minute, for 20 minutes.


1 minute cold shower, timed using markers on songs where he knows the 1 minute mark. During this time he'll plan his next 4 hour session.

Deep Work - Session 2 (4 hours)

He may just pick up where he left off at the end of the first session or do something else entirely. The goal is to maintain another long period of focus.

Will eat here if necessary but not usually.


Lex breaks his fast at this point in the day. I'd imagine this is around 2-3pm.

He will eat 1 meal, of about 1800 or 2000kcal, consisting of meat and vegetables.

He'll have some more electrolytes here and lists 1000mg sodium pills, magnesium glycinate, potassium, and fish oils.

Lex mentions that he trys to experiment with diet regimes and supplements, mostly researching to find whether something is unsafe or not, and using that as the excluder. He will try other things that people recommend and has noted through trial and error that keto and intermittent fasting work best for him.

Shallow Work (4 hours)

This is the part of the day where he will loosen his focus a bit. Email checks, video editing, web design etc fall into this session.

He also may continue his deep work session if he feels up to it, and will sometimes make it another solid focused session, but Netflix is on the cards, maybe even alcohol from time to time.


He makes sure to read 1 paper per day and notes that sometimes this requires tremendous focus also. After this he'll read another hour and then usually go to bed.



Lex's day is focused around 8 hours of solid, focused work, while getting in 1.5 hours of exercise. He does this all on an empty stomach, with only electrolytes as fuel.

The latter part of the day is when he breaks his fast and turns to more leisurely (but still pretty productive) tasks.

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